El Dorado Transmission Line Upgrade

金沙娱乐正准备升级建于20世纪50年代初的老旧电力系统,该系统已接近使用寿命. In 金沙娱乐 60 years since 金沙娱乐 existing power system was put into service, 金沙娱乐 power needs of sou金沙娱乐rn Kansas have changed drastically.


我们将重建连接Skelly变电站的现有69千伏输电线路, located at Conner Avenue and Douglas Road, 至结构189, located nearly half a mile north of Sixth Avenue and Orchard Street.

这些改进将提高可靠性,加强区域电网, allowing us to serve homes and businesses well into 金沙娱乐 future.


El Dorado Project Map


El Dorado transmission upgrade timeline



El Dorado Structure Diagram


  • 钢杆作为回转结构是自支撑的,不需要引线. 盖伊电线需要在院子里额外的结构,如果我们需要跨越人行道或车道,可能需要额外的电线杆. 在恶劣的天气条件下,钢杆的可靠性和弹性得到了充分利用.
  • Poles will likely be 80 to 100 feet tall. Existing structures are 70 feet tall.
  • Spacing between each pole will likely be between 200 to 300 feet. Existing structures are 250 to 350 feet apart.
  • The base of each pole will likely be between 6 to 9 feet in diameter. Existing structures have a 2 feet diameter base with guy-wires.


  • Poles will likely be 70 to 100 feet tall. Existing structures are 70 feet tall.
  • Spacing between each pole will likely be between 200 to 300 feet. Existing structures are 250 to 350 feet apart. 每根杆子的底部直径可能在2到2.5英尺之间. Existing structures are 2 feet in diameter.


我们致力与土地拥有人进行公开、诚实和频繁的沟通. 我们联系了在输电线路上拥有财产的土地所有者,并购买了建设线路所需的地役权. 我们还讨论了从我们的建设努力和修复实践中期望得到什么. Our intent is to leave property in a state comparable to pre-construction.

Health and 环境

金沙娱乐认为,在规划和设计输电线路项目时,环境是一个重要因素. 我们从项目一开始就与适当的组织密切合作,以确保任何直接的环境影响都得到适当的识别和解决.

What is 金沙娱乐 El Dorado project?
我们将重建连接Skelly变电站的现有69千伏输电线路, located at Conner Avenue and Douglas Road, 至结构189, located nearly half a mile north of Sixth Avenue and Orchard Street.

Why is this line needed?
金沙娱乐正准备升级建于20世纪50年代初的老旧电力系统,该系统已接近使用寿命. In 金沙娱乐 60 years since 金沙娱乐 existing power system was put into service, 金沙娱乐 power needs of sou金沙娱乐rn Kansas have changed drastically. 这些改进将提高可靠性,加强区域电网, allowing us to serve homes and businesses well into 金沙娱乐 future. 该项目是金沙娱乐公司长期计划的一部分,该计划旨在升级堪萨斯州南部的输电网,并提高埃尔多拉多地区的电力可靠性.

Who will benefit from 金沙娱乐 project?
This project will benefit residents and businesses in El Dorado, 通过加强区域电网和提高可靠性来实现. It also will provide tax revenue, 建筑工作, 当地支出和将扩大未来对地区工业投资的能力.

Who pays for transmission lines and facilities?
Because 金沙娱乐 project will entirely benefit 金沙娱乐 customers, all 金沙娱乐 costs will be recovered from 金沙娱乐 customers.

Who is responsible for this project?
金沙娱乐 will construct and own 金沙娱乐 new transmission line. 西南电力联营公司(SPP)为这条输电线路在该地区运行输电系统. SPP will direct 金沙娱乐 to operate 金沙娱乐 new transmission line.

When will 金沙娱乐 line be built?
The project is scheduled to be complete and in-service by December 2022. We are forecasting construction work to begin in September 2022.

What will 金沙娱乐 line look like?

  • 用钢结构代替木制转向架(街角的电线杆或线路改变方向的地方).
    • 钢杆作为回转结构是自支撑的,不需要引线. 盖伊电线需要在院子里额外的结构,如果我们需要跨越人行道或车道,可能需要额外的电线杆.
    • 在恶劣的天气条件下,钢杆的可靠性和弹性得到了充分利用.
    • Poles will likely be 80 to 100 feet tall. Existing structures are 70 feet tall.
    • Spacing between each pole will likely be between 200 to 300 feet. Existing structures are 250 to 350 feet apart.
    • The base of each pole will likely be between 6 to 9 feet in diameter. Existing structures have a 2 feet diameter base with guy-wires.
  • 用木结构代替木排结构(转弯结构之间的杆).
    • Poles will likely be 70 to 100 feet tall. Existing structures are 70 feet tall.
    • Spacing between each pole will likely be between 200 to 300 feet. Existing structures are 250 to 350 feet apart.
    • The base of each pole will likely be between 2 and 2 ½ feet in diameter. Existing structures are 2 feet in diameter.

输电工程需要多年的许可、设计、采购材料和施工. 几乎所有的主要部件都是定制的,需要很长的交货时间.

How will right-of-way be acquired for this project?
我们致力与土地拥有人进行公开、诚实和频繁的沟通. 我们将与在输电线路路线上拥有财产的土地所有者联系,讨论购买建设线路所需的地役权. This will allow property owners to continue most uses of 金沙娱乐ir property. One-time payments are provided, typically negotiated up-front, based on determination of 金沙娱乐 market property values in 金沙娱乐 local area. 或者,代替上述结尾,基于地役权的价值,因为它影响了财产. 在整个过程中,我们将尊重土地所有者,尽量减少对他们财产的影响. It is our goal to reach negotiated agreements with all landowners.

What if 金沙娱乐 can't come to an agreement with landowners?
Fortunately, that is a rare occurrence. 金沙娱乐 will make every effort to reach negotiated agreements. 每个人都可以行使土地征用权,在与土地所有人进行艰苦谈判后获得地役权.

Who will build 金沙娱乐 lines and manage 金沙娱乐 construction?
金沙娱乐将根据任务使用金沙娱乐资源和分包商来设计和建造输电线路. 金沙娱乐将在项目建设期间提供项目管理服务和协调.

How much will 金沙娱乐 project cost?
Since 金沙娱乐 project isn’t complete, final costs haven’t been determined, 但输电线路的初步估计投资约为3美元.600万年.

金沙娱乐认为,在规划和设计输电线路项目时,环境是一个重要因素. We work closely with appropriate organizations, including 金沙娱乐 Kansas Department of Wildlife, 公园与旅游业, Kansas Historical Society, 美国.S. 鱼类和野生动物管理局和大自然保护协会从项目一开始就确保任何直接的环境影响都得到适当的识别和解决. 我们相信,这种合作有助于开发一条符合联邦和州能源和环境政策目标的输电线路. We adhere to all state and federal regulations to protect native plants, threatened or endangered species, wetlands and water and air quality.

Regulatory and Government Policy

Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) 监管并负责确保电力设施的安全, adequate and reliable services at reasonable rates. 我们的使命是通过公正和有效地解决所有司法管辖问题来保护公众利益.

Southwest Power Pool (SPP) is a Regional Transmission Organization (RTO), 由联邦能源管理委员会(FERC)授权,以确保可靠的电力供应, 充足的输电基础设施和有竞争力的电力批发价格. SPP operates subject to a tariff filed with and governed by FERC. This tariff contains over 2,100页的费率, 为SPP的客户提供输电服务的条款和条件,以便在SPP的17个州内和跨州输送批发电力.

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 监管州际商业中的电力传输和批发销售,并确保高压州际输电系统的可靠性.

炉体公司. (金沙娱乐) (NYSE: EVRG) serves approximately 1.600万年 customers in Kansas and Missouri. 在我们提供给家庭和企业的电力中,有近一半来自零排放能源. We support our local communities where we live and work, 并努力通过节能和创新的解决方案来满足客户的需求.